1. Phase Out projects:
a. Bilingual Lhomi literacy projects from 2010-2012
b. Eastern Tamang literacy projects from 2015-2019
c. Mother Tongue Based Early childhood Education (MTB ECE) from 2017-2020
d. Darai Literacy program from 2019-2023
2. MTB-BEP project
The project is a continuation of the Mother Tongue Based Early Childhood Education Program into Lhomi Language in Nepal 2017-2020. The MTB BEP projects indicates Mother Tongue Based Basic Education Program in the Lhomi language in Nepal from 2021-2024. Due to COVID-19, it wasn’t completed on the targeted due date, so 2 years is extended for project completion. Now the new targeted completion date is 2026.
This project seeks to improve Lhomi children’s right to quality learning, increase learning efficiency, and develop their cognitive skills to attain desired learning outcomes by supporting their mother tongue learning in early grades. Some 700 Lhomi children and their parents will directly benefit within the project period.
Baseline survey was planned to conduct in early 2021 by the end of the school year, which will end in March. The learning assessment including reading, writing and mathematics assessment will be conducted as soon as children are back to school and the team can travel to the villages.
In general, many children are semi literate by the end of grade 5 in Lhomi schools. They are still in a process of learning to read even though they are supposed to read for learning. The project is financially supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MFA) of Wycliffe Finland and is being implemented in 14 schools within Bhotkhola Rural Municipality.
3. Eastern Tamang Multilingual Education
Eastern Tamang Multilingual Education began in mid of 2015 with materials developed and started with one preschool as a pilot from 2016 in Makalu Rural Municipality .The project provides primary education in the mother tongue for the local Eastern Tamang-speaking community and is currently running in 6 schools, SIL International Nepal financially supports this project.
4. Chepang-Bote Reading Fluency Class
Chepang-Bote Reading Fluency class began in 2024. The targeted area for the program is Chitwan District. The Chepang Reading Fluency Class is being conducted in Kalika Rural Municipality, while the Bote Reading Fluency Class is held in Madi Rural Municipality. Both classes provide literacy support to underserved communities in the region, involving approximately 200 participants from 12 villages. SIL International Nepal financially supports this project.