Himalaya Basic School is located in Kimathanka Bhotkhola rural municipality ward no.1. In this school, There are classes from KG to Grade 5. According to the teachers, although there is one toilet in the school, the students still go outside of the school for toilets. It is said that the students do not use the toilet because there is no water system in the toilet. It is said that among the students also mostly female students are seen leaving the school compound for the toilet.

Although Bhotkhola rural municipality has been declared as an open defecation free zone, school teacher Phinzo Bhote says, “ due to the lack of toilets and water in schools, they are forced to go for open toilets.”

Phinzo Bhote says, “ This WASH program of NELHOS has really supported the students in their learning and their sanitation.”

It is said that after the construction of separate gender-friendly toilets for men and women in the school, all the students are using the toilet and not going out. As a result, the cleanliness around the school has been maintained. Also, the teachers say that the children are happy that they have enough water to clean. 

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